Welcome to Kyungnong Industry.
Explore our journey from the beginning to the present.
- Supplied rechargeable sprayers to agricultural cooperatives nationwide
- Developed and patented self-propelled electric power sprayer
- Selected as a Star Company by Yeongcheon City
[Agricultural Skid Loader FN-200R]
- Awarded a commendation by the Minister of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs
- Began production of agricultural skid loaders
- Developed combination/fill algorithm grape sorter
- Achieved ISO45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System certification
[Agricultural Sorter KNS-SUM8/12]
- Received the Bronze Award in the Gyeongbuk Clean Management Awards
- Obtained Corporate R&D Center Certificate
- Achieved ISO14001 Environmental Management System Certification
- Certified as an Innovative Small Business (INNO-BIZ)
- Established Corporate R&D Center at Fusion Research Center
- Began construction of second factory and expanded office
- Acquired patent for freshness maintainer
- Certified as a Management Innovation Small Business (MAIN-BIZ)
- Signed MOU with the Korea Association of Leaders in Agricultural Promotion
- Acquired patent for rechargeable sprayer
- Began construction of Yeongcheon Plant (6,000 pyeong in Cheongtong-myeon)
- Produced three types of rice polishers
- Exported agricultural dryers to China
- Registered patent for self-propelled SS sprayer control device
- Certified as a Venture Business
- Acquired patent for humidifier for cold storage
- Established Kyungnong ENC Co., Ltd. (Specialized Construction Business)
- Certified as a Specialist in Materials and Components
- Exported agricultural dryers, cold storage, etc., to Ghana
- Solar panel installation and construction
- Produced track-type walking power carriers
- Certified R&D department
- Began production of cold storage
- Acquired patent for agricultural and livestock dryers
- Registered design for partition plates for agricultural dryers
- Produced walking-type SS sprayers (Speed Sprayer)
- Registered as a participant in competitive bidding at the Public Procurement Service
- Certified as a CLEAN workplace
- Began production of electric power carriers
- Registered design for hot-air ducts for agricultural dryers
- Established Kyungnong Industry
- Began production of agricultural dryers, bean threshers, and chili washers
- Registered for e-commerce business
- Acquired ISO9001 Quality Management System certification